Perfect solutions for working with vehicles

Like all jobs, safety is of upmost importance when it comes to vehicle access. Drivers should be able to get safely and easily to any part of the vehicle they need to reach, but as vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, no one ladder or piece of equipment will cover all. Rather than climb around parts of a vehicle, which may well not support their weight, workers should invest in good quality vehicle access solutions to make a job safer and easier.
Who needs to use access equipment?
More than 2000 serious injuries to people falling from vehicles are reported to the HSE each year. Many of these injuries are broken arms or legs – often resulting from failure to use proper access equipment.
There are many scenarios as to when individuals will benefit from using vehicle access equipment. These include:
- Repairs (Engineers and mechanics)
- Washing (Valeting)
- Maintenance (Valeting)
- Loading and unloading (Freight)
- Fitting equipment (Vehicle builders)
Many of these professions require more than one type of access equipment though. For example a storage yard where a fleet of HGV’s is kept may require several different access solutions for different uses. A platform step will provide the stability and safety needed for a mechanic to make urgent repairs, while a scaffold tower may give a cleaner access to the top of the vehicle and other hard to reach areas.
Top product suggestions and recommendations
Platforms are one of the most popular vehicle access solutions and offer the benefit that they’re simple to drive-through or drive-past. While they’re useful for a huge range of jobs, they do have the disadvantage of being a fixed height and width, meaning they can’t be adjusted for use with different sizes of vehicles. Attempting to use an unsuitable platform for a different vehicle will just as likely lead to an accident as failing to use access equipment at all.
Browns product recommendation:
Zarges Z600 Single Sided Mobile Work Platform
This Zarges work platform is available in six different heights, the smallest with a platform of 0.72m, and the largest with a platform of 1.92m. It’s quick and easy to assemble and offers maximum safety with platform guardrails on three sides. Extra handrails for the side of the steps are also available as an additional extra.

For some jobs, that require less time spent at a height, a vehicle access ladder may be better suited to the job.
Browns product recommendation:
Our vehicle access ladders are available in two sizes and clamp onto a vehicle easily to prevent movement when in use. When positioned against a vehicle, the working angle is less than alternative products that use a conventional leaning ladder – offering optimum safety.
For more information about any of the products mentioned today, give us a call on 01282 615517. You can also brush up your safety skills with one of our Working at Height training courses by sending your details to us via the course enquiry form.