REVIEW: Sherpamatic & Sherpascopic work platform

In today’s post we’ll be learning all about the sherpamatic and sherpascopic work platform, and exploring the differences between the two. Read on to find out more.
A closer look at the sherpamatic work platform
The sherpamatic work platform is available in five different sizes. With the smallest of the five, the platform sits at 0.73m, whilst the largest model has a platform at 1.64m. With each model, the weight, base spread, base width, number of treads and the length of the ladder also increase as the models increase in size.
Built with comfort in mind
Amongst all the models, the size of the platform remains the same. At 600mm x 420mm, you’ll have plenty of space to work safely and comfortably and adjust your position. The platform isn’t the only comfortable feature; the 80mm deep treads have also been designed and implemented for comfortable access. You needn’t worry about uneven surfaces either, as the adjustable stabilisers on the sherpamatic platform help to overcome the typical wobble effect you’d normally get in such environments.
A winner when it comes to safety…
Most importantly, the Zarges sherpamatic work platform has been designed for maximum stability and maximum safety. The guardrail system includes an automatically closing gate, which really is a marvellous feature. Think about it, how many times have you forgotten to close or set up the rails once you’ve begun your work from a platform? The automatic closing gate also gives you 360 degree protection from falls, 100 per cent of the time.
The flexibility of the sherpascopic work platform

There’s little difference price wise when is comes to the sherpascopic work platform, but there are a several differences. Instead of five models, there’s only two models available in this range. With the smallest, the platform can sit anywhere between 1.06 to 1.53m; and with the largest, it sits between 1.74 to 2.23m.
You’ll notice that the larger model of the two gives you much more height than you get with the Sherpamatic. With both the smaller and larger Sherpascopic, you’ll also get a lot more flexibility as you can adjust the height through the use of the gravity latch, rather than just having the option of one standalone working height.
We’re passionate about keeping you safe
Our whole range of work platforms and podiums can be found here. Each and every one of our platforms and podiums come with rails at the front, rear and sides to prevent falls and protect workers. We also have a comprehensive working at heights training course which we recommend buyers book onto with any purchase from Browns Ladders. The course covers The Work at Height Regulations 2005 and other health and safety law which together help prevent unnecessary injury.
Download the specification sheet for the Zarges Sherpamatic Work Platform
Download the specification sheet for the Zarges Sherpascopic Work Platform